
        while tidying up a bit today, I discovered that I still have a load of
semi-complete SAM stuff I had entirely forgotten I owned. I found the
'boxes' but not the disks for the following :

        the LERM Spectrum Emulator (SAMTape?)

        and the disks, though they don't entirely work for :

        Vegetable Vacation
        Prince of Persia
        Defenders of the Earth
        The Sound Machine

        I also found my mouse interface box, but the mouse is entirely broken.

        Though this is all irrelevant since my SAM power supply has really
given up now, and I doubt any of them would work with SIM, since they
are probably protected, I am wondering how good the games actually were?
I haven't played them since I was about 12 (when I was actually using
the fully functioning SAM), and I seem to remember them all being quite
good except for Defenders of the Earth and Vegetable Vacation. Of those
two, DOE wasn't really that bad I suppose. 

        Also, I bought most of them from a local shop, just off the high street
of Alton, Hampshire, but was always under the impression from the way
that the stock seemed fairly static that I may have been the only person
buying anything SAM at all. I also remember visiting a place in
Farnborough or somewhere like that to buy a mouse interface. How common
were shops carrying SAM equipment? I seem to remember some sort of A4
list of SAM shops I acquired from somewhere (YS or Crash!?), does that
ring any bells?

        I also found a lot of inlays for FRED games (The Bulgulators, Parallax,
Dyzonium and Waterworks) which I never owned but am under the impression
I was sent as a sort of advertising thing. Adding these to the inlays I
also have for Hexxagonia (which I still have and works) and Splat!,
would anybody be interested in me getting the energy up to do some
scanning? Just thought someone might have the sudden want to have the
coverart reproduced somewhere.


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