> > > You did realise that the SimCoupé DOS releases from Aley only contain as
> > > much source as has been changed since the last Allan Skillman release
> > > (SimCoup078_DOS.zip I think)?
> > This was trying to compile *Allan's* release, not Aley's. :-)
> This was a joke?
> Why does somebody want to compile old version of SimCoupe?

Because I cannot find up-to-date source. This is why I'm asking you for a 
complete set of source files. It will take you, what, 10 seconds to produce? 

(zip -9 -R simcsrc.zip *.c *.h *.inc)

> As I wrote, I can send the missing files.
> But I can serve only with the latest SimCoupe version (0.783a2).

See, I can't even find a zip file of 783a2. The latest I can locate is a1. 
Where do you upload these things, and can I suggest ftp.nvg.ntnu.no in 


As the flatulent skunk of time wanders into the air conditioning unit of 
 eternity, and the piranha of fate circles in the bidet of destiny...
 -- I have no idea!    

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