Hello SAM geeks.

I would quite like to get hold of the disk 'zines I wrote on the SAM - namely 
'Chips' and 'Pump'. I'm not sure what format they need to be in for Sim Coupe, 
cos I've never used it (other than fiddling with BASIC and realising I've 
forgotten how to program), but if anybody out there has all issues of the mags 
and fancies converting them for me (er, Dave Whitemore? er.. sorry for not 
emailling you in, ooh, ages) then that would be nice. HOWEVER, I do not want 
these things on the 'net cos it's quite embarrassing seeing what I wrote when I 
was 15-16, especially since then I've had proper! paid! published! writing. 
It's more the crap games I wrote that I'm interested in. It'd be fun seeing 
them again.

Anyway, I'll leave you all to continue discussing source codes and FTP servers 
and whatnot.

PS. This may be a FAQ, but is there a digest version of this list?

PPS. Please reply to my disk 'zine please by emailling my other address: [EMAIL 

Cheers 'ears.



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