Johnna Teare wrote:
> On 20 Sep 99, at 13:25, Gavin Smith wrote:
> > Most-hyped-game-that-turned-out-to-be-not-very-good goes to Legend of
> > Eshan.
> Hurrah! Somebody who agrees with me. I remember reviewing this
> for SAM2Sam and giving it something like 9% and I got loads of
> stick for it.
> Not the worst game ever, but the biggest disappointment.
> Worst game...vegetable vacation...looks great, but nothing to play
> with...fnar...

What is vegetable vacation?/ :)  I long to see it... (well, perhaps not
that much)

Btw. where did the whole fnar fnar thing come from?  In my head its a
peculiarly 'Sam' thing (probably Fred, i can't imagine it being Format


Martin Fitz

ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

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