Maria Rookyard wrote:
> So it's not just me that disagrees with all the 7 year olds at school who
> insist it's a kids programme just because it's a cartoon?
You're 7 years old?!?

Seriously: Not by a long chalk. For my money, loads of cartoons are
wasted on kids. Considering how effed up the Warner Bros. Batman
franchise is, the cartoons are a godsend, and should never have been
watered down after the first series... (mumble grumble).

Then there's the Japanese cartoons: sex (including tentacle rape),
drugs, violence... Ok, there's a few cute ones, and the irritating
moralistic ones (not to mention the twee American dubs of the cute
ones), but on the whole, the cartoons are's for children.

The parents of these seven-year-olds should be clubbed to death. (ooh,


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