-----Original Message-----
To: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no <sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no>
Date: 05 October 1999 23:30
Subject: Re: SAM Community

>----- Original Message -----
>From: Johnna Teare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no>
>Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 1999 3:31 PM
>Subject: RE: SAM Community
>> Well with the greatest respect, this is the first I've heard about it...
>I suppose it also reffers to the number of people who actually *bothered* to
>subscribe to SAM magazines... WHILE THEY STILL EXISTED!

It's another one of those ratio things, isn't it. When YS was at it's prime, it
was selling over 80,000 copies and was the top-selling Spectrum mag.

And just exactly how many millions of Spectrums were sold in the UK?

YS also had an advantage in that you could easily buy it in most newsagents -
with the SAM 'zine scene you had to first hear about it, then risk sending money
in the post (in any form) to a complete stranger. You couldn't even flick
through it before you bought them, unless you went to a show (another

Considering that a few thousand SAMs were sold, it was surprising that some
unofficial 'zines got into treble figures.


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