> Dave Hooper wrote:
> > Potentially, this could have been caused by an envelope
> > controller bug which
> > has now been fixed. It could also have been caused by externally-clocked
> > envelopes not correctly being clocked by WinCoupe (which has now
> > been fixed
> > in WinCoupe).
> > Latest SAASound.dll is at (and will always be at)
> > http://www.geocities.com/stripwax
> >
> > Currently it's 2.05, give it a go.
> Yep, that seemed to fix the out of tune problem, thank's.  The menu music
> from Fred 60 still sounds a bit odd, but I can't find anything else.  I
> can't be sure, since my Sam has been mute for about a year (anyone know
> where I can get a Philips sound chip from?)

I've been going through a few Fred disks and most of the time the music
sounds perfect, but I come across a tune now and again that seems to have a
clicking or juddering sound (perhaps at 50Hz?).  The Fred 60 menu music is
one, but also the second part of Mnemodemo 2 - when the 'M' is spinning, the
music sounds fine but when it stops, the juddering is heard.  This gave me
an idea.  Could it be that when the 'M' is paused there's less work going on
=> the eTracker code is being called at a different position in the frame.
At this state maybe the routine in WinCoupe that passes the sound info to
SAASound.dll is being performed part way through the eTracker code; maybe
even between an OUT to a sound chip address port and its corresponding OUT
to the data port.

Dave Laundon.

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