Not speaking for Simon (and not necessarily about Seattle, either... [so why am
I responding?!]) American cities are rather well designed. The roads are
configured in a grid formation, and one "block" would be one "square" on that

Britain should adopt that method, but of course that would involve demolishing
large amounts of it and starting afresh (which I'm all in favour of), but then
some selfish people would moan about loss of homes, heritage and history. :)

(who works in the City and saw the j18 stuff first-hand. n30 seems to have been
contained around Euston station.)

-----Original Message-----
From: Justin Skists <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: '' <>
Date: 01 December 1999 11:47
Subject: RE: Seattle's Burning

>I forgot you were living there...
>Cheers for the news - and stay out of trouble!! :)
>I take it that you're not one of the ringleaders. :) After all, aren't all
>these protests supposed to be organised on the web these days?
>Incidently, exactly how big is a "block"?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Simon Cooke [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 11:42 AM
>> To: samusers
>> Subject: Seattle's Burning
>> Your roving reporter, on the scene :) (literally - my apartment is approx.
>> 3
>> blocks from
>> the Convention Center).

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