Aley Keprt wrote:
> My brother uses PC for everything, since he hates any waiting.
> He thinks all tape-oriented devices are very bad, and wants everything
> immediately,
> with no delay. He hates VHS video, audio casettes, etc.....

I can understand hating audio casettes, but when do you need to wait
with VHS? I mean, the tape plays, the picture comes out (slightly
simplified I know), does he want the picture to be available before he
sees it?

Unless he's in the habit of fast forwarding to certain bits of tapes,
but I wont even think what thats for.

Anyways, it seems to be a bit weird to use a PC for everything - that
has to be the biggest wait involved of any home appliance.  You dont
need to wait for a stereo to boot up & load the os before you get to see
it.  Though Im sure someone will think of including this wonderful
"feature" some time soon.


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