Andrew Collier wrote:
> >Can anyone tell me if MasterDOS and MasterBASIC are freely available now,
> >or do we still have to buy it. If so, Where from.
> As far as I understand the current situation; you're not allowed to copy
> it, but no-one can sell it to you either.

I remember that towards the end Fred made MasterDOS PD, either that or
the person who wrote it did, who I forget.. But anyway, someone did.  So
thats free.  If anyone has a copy.  I do somewhere.

MasterBASIC isnt tho.  Or at least I dont think it is.  Well, it didnt
become PD at the same time as MasterDOS, so unless someone made it that
after that.

Heh, sorry for the disjointedness of the sentences, but well, I think
you can get the drift.


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