> > > P.S. Shame K&R syntax is nice and not waffly like ANSI standards
> > You are "a bit" old-fashioned, aren't you?
> You're "a lot" obnoxious. When do you finish going through puberty?
> Have you seen a doctor about all your pent up aggression?

What aggression?
You stated "Shame K&R syntax is nice" and "not waffly like ANSI standards".
I stated you are a bit old-fashioned.
That's not an offence, that's enunciation.

> My comment about your K&R statement is there to say - who cares. It 
> doesn't matter if he wrote a bit of code that is K&R syntax.
> Why do you feel you have to put people down?
> Luke

You had better ask why do you feel to be put down?
I didn't said "waffly like ANSI".


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