----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Collier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no>
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 7:41 PM
Subject: Re: Another thingy , cataloging sam discs!

> At 10:33 pm +0000 19/2/01, David Ledbury wrote:
> >Eugene's layer - now that was renamed either the Sugar Factory - or
> >Lair? Cant remember which? Anyway - we couldnt locate the graphic in the
> >code at the time - so used one of the Amebotron graphics instead - and as
> >that looked like a hairy blob (aka Alan Sugar) hence the new name....
> I never until today realised how much Eugene looks like Dogbert.

The other possible name was going to be Bob's lair as well ;)

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