Dave Laundon wrote:
> Ok, my first post here in ages, here goes...
> the official Z80 cycles rounded up to the next multiple of 4 (or 8 in
> screen time), or,  4 (or 8) times the number of memory accesses;
> whichever is greater.

Thanks! I vaguely remembered something like that but wasn't sure.

> Mmm, I'd have thought the first method would run quicker, even when it
> was AND &EE.  I'm confused now.  Anything else going on in the loop?

I thought the problem I was experiencing (border scrolltext jerking around
occasionally) had stopped when I changed the code to use RES - but now it
seems otherwise, so you're probably right.

As an aside, does anyone still have a real live SAM linked up - I can't tell
whether this problem is due to something in my code or SimCoupe's emulation
- I'm pretty sure it never -used- to do this...




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