> Nahhh, your missing the point.  I know the emulator is 
> basically perfect, but its just not like having the 
> real thing sitting there (I trust you have got the real 
> thing as the rom is still copyrighted and hence the 
> emulator is only legal to those with a sam).  

IIRC Andy Wright has said the ROMs can be distributed. But yes, I was one of
the first batch of Sam owners.

> Am I just mad, probably.  

Hehhh. Yep.

> On the point of a debugger, ive already got one for the actual sam,
> TurboMon, now who wrote that? :) (And yes its an original)

*chuckles* there's nothing like a hardware debugger though. Some things just
don't behave the same way when you have a debugger running.

The overwhelming advantage of emualation for me is that I can have my
spectrum, my Sam, my ST, my Amiga, my BBC and Archimedes, all of which I've
owned at some point in time (although the Amiga and the ST were sold on)
without needing the space or the acres worth of floppies/tapes.

If I were single I'd probably have the house full of the originals. But I
only have one room to set aside for tech stuff, which (when I have three PCs
and a laptop (running as a 'net router) in about 8' by 5'), isn't really
possible :)

Need to buy a bigger house..... 

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