On Thu, 31 Oct 2002 21:58:27 -0000, "Colin Piggot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > If the SAM is not used for about 18 minutes, the SAM goes to a blank
> > screen. This must be handled by a system variable. Does anybody know,
> > which SVAR does handle it?
> To disable it - POKE &5A32,1
> To see the counter - PEEK &5AC4
> (this counter decrements by 1 every 256 frames)
> Incidently - timing SVARs like these are covered in a 'Sam Snippet' on page 45
> of  issue 2 of Sam Revival! You would have had your answer in a few days 
> anyway!
I feel the need to write "or just RTFM." 

geez after all the trouble I went to get a readable copy onto the FTP


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