Title: RE: Freds wanted

>> I'd love to find a TnT disc image.
>TnT - Wasn't that the BombJack clone?

Yup, and very lovely it was, too. Mind you, I remember Santa Goes Psycho 2 as being great but I replayed it recently and it wasn't. At all.

Of all the GM games, I reckon "Blast!" was one of the better ones.

>> I'm afraid my PC won't make an image of my SAM disc of it because it's
>> a manky old 486 which seems to be the only thing I could get that disc
>imaging program to work on... Bah
>If you have access to a W9x machine try this:

I assume that includes WinME? Only my discs are at my mum's house and so when I see her in a month I'll have to use her 'pooter.

I wonder if there's anything else in my collection I'll need to disc-image? Stuff like Waterworks 1 & 2 and Sam Strikes Out would be nice...


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