
You are right about this. I have spent many years with my SAM and every now
and then get nostalgic to look at some of the stuff that was produced for
it. An archive would only represent a nostalgic look at some of the stuff I
never purchased; and would not purchase now even if it was on sale. Not
having this available just means it gets lost. I agree that people who still
want to make money out of their SAM creations should be protected but those
that cannot be contacted are obviously not doing that. Let's take a look at
some of the wonderful creations that people put love into back in the day,
and feel warm and cuddly about the fact that we were all there at the time

-----Original Message-----
From: Gavin Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 20 November 2004 13:34
Subject: Re: Dare to share (was re: Days of Sorcery)

> However, I do take your point that floppy disks have a limited 
> lifespan, so we should try to make sure that everything is imaged and 
> catalogued. Perhaps we could maintain a list of what images exist - 
> not necessarily to release the images right now, but to make sure that 
> everything will still be available, as and when we can agree on what 
> is the right thing to do with it.

It's 2004, how many more years are we going to talk about it? :) My 
suggestion was that we have a consultation period (bit of a fancy term 
when referring to SAM software!) of about 4 weeks for each and every 
bit of software before we post the image online. If we can get the 
author's written permission in that time, great. If we can think of a 
reason not to post the image (or indeed if the author refuses 
permission), then obviously we don't.

Isn't that the lesser of two evils? One evil is to let the stuff rot 
away (we're the last few remaining who give a stuff about the SAM 
remember so let's not lose perspective), lost forever - the other evil 
is to go to reasonable lengths to gain permission, and failing that we 
post images that we think aren't too controversial. I really think it's 
the most sensible of the two.

I'll have something on the net before the weekend is out and we can 
debate it - it will give us something to talk about at least ;)


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