Gavin Smith wrote:

I know of a few people with a CD drive connected - Wolfgang, you have this setup don't you? I haven't tried it, but from what I understand, it's possible to bung a CD containing .dsks into a drive connected to a SAM - it's then possible to write the .dsk to an Atom connected HD or CF card. I thought that was rather nice and I'd like to keep that going if possible.

If possible, though, I'd like us to use one format and one method of compression. Would it therefore be easier to make everything .sdf in the first place and work on tools to work with these files?


Yes, I have my SAM connected with harddisk(s) and a CD-ROM. What you need is:

The Atom interface
A CD containing DSK-files!!!
B-DOS, best from version 1.5a on
The commad line: COPY*"xxxx.dsk" TO (DEVICE 2) RECORD yyyy LABEL

The asterix is important for CD access (like DIR*). Device can be 2 oder 3 (if available). Don´t forget the command LABEL at the end! Otherwise it could lock your Record. This all works without problems.

The DSK files are the most used ones. Using an emulator it is also possible to read this filetype if it is in a ZIPped one.

To the name voting: First I prefered "", but a community is a connection of persons, who have ALL the same interest. I can´t see this community. So I prefer "" as it comes nearest to the things that are planned.


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