WorldOfSpectrum gaining permission from our old friend Bob Brenchley
to scan and distribute Formats!
Personally I like scans more than pdf. Other magazines on wos
are scans also. But It's nice to have them available to the public in any
Personally I prefer PDF as what it is, a "portable document format" for PC, Apple computers and as far as I know Amiga and Atari too. It includes pictures and fonts and can be used  independent to the sort of computer and compresses the file size. The best thing is, you can make printable booklets with it (as ZXF), so when the new website stands I would like to add "manuals" (as PDF files) of B-DOS 1.7n,  Comet assembler 1.3 and the instruction for Spectrum emulator 3.3. Maybe more to come...


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