Aley Keprt wrote:

And of course, .SAM means "sample", it's used for years for sound samples. :-)

And AMIPro Word docs and a myriad of others :-)

> Don't we have SDF or something, which is a generic Sam disk format?

From what I understand SDF is a discontinued format and this spawned the discussion on a generic format for representing all sam disk geometrys with headers for containing information and such like.

The reason for persevering with the DSK format is for simplicity but as I have said in the NVG re-org mails but as soon as a format is available they will all get moved into this format and hopefully the complications of dealing with the mish-mash of DSK/TD0/SADv1/SADv2/MGT/PAK/LIB/SBT formats will be over.


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