Just wanted to say hi to you guys (pity I can`t say
and gals, hehe)

Lost my internet connection few months ago so normally
I`d have to say hope I ain`t missed anything, but in a
scene as small as ours (or yours seen as I`m not a
regular) I hope I`ve missed loads.

from my quick lookabout (and on pay per minute so very
quick) I`d like to say nice one to Colin, jeez you do
a lot for the scene, the new games are looking cool,
especially Harlequin which I somehow missed out on on
older systems... be great to see this on SAM...


What happened to Gavin (hope I`ve the name right) and
his site?

David, any update on your site? would there be any
chance of us others adding to it?


Is anyone still interested in Basic games? I`ve a demo
(very early) of Tomato Antics game on my site but
since then written a profiler (with help from that
thread on WoS) and managed to shift it from 10-12 fps
to about 35-45 still uncompiled... the game itself is
simplified and thus can cut down on code, but still
the smoothest game I seen in Basic on SAM... 

also hacked the MC of Flash to change the Erase menu
option to an Extra menu so I can run Basic code, and
added a better animation feature, sprite grabber and
saver plus ability to scroll an area one pixel to
left, which for basic is essential if it`s at an odd

The version I have is early but will upload it
hopefully in next few days... also, who did the hack
to allow Mouse control?

I`ve called my version (as I intend to add some other
features/improvements) Flash Pro v1.0 but would like
to credit the author of the Mouse code.

Plus also, even though this name is for my personal
version, does anyone have any objections to me calling
it thus?


anyways, this message has already been sent whilst
halfway through (noob, hehe) so have to end here.

Hope everyone is fine.. :)

Cal *_+


P.S. Steve, I was pleased to see you were able to take
over on ZX Shed when I let them down, nice job, what I
had was half written..

also, I been checking and seem to have some Arcadia
Disk Mags which are missing and some other stuff.

Who would it be best to send these to?


Calvin *_+

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