I forward you a translation of message from "velesoft" (original message is written in Czech, se below):

- I checked out your Sam Coupe emulator. I tested mouse emulation and I obtained these results: All versions of the emulator(s) too early reset mouse. I borrowed the original mouse interface from Kapsa club. For example, the game Legend of Eshan, which relies on the longer delay before mouse reset, doesn't work. In this game, when it is reading the last byte of X coordinate, the emulator is actually returning the state of the keyboard, because the mouse was reset too early. When using the original Sam mouse interface, this game works correctly. The time of mouse port activity must be longer at least twice (in the emulator).

Since I don't understand the mouse at all, I replied this:

- Please send me that game, and I will give it to somebody who can try to fix the emulation. I personally think that the problem might be in the Sam mouse interface from Kapsa, which is probably not identical to the original interface. But it must be checked out...

And that person sent me that game, and replied:

- The program is correct, it only has a longer delay in mouse port reading routines and before it reads all the numbers, the emulator is returning the keyboard status again. In this game you need to hold shift key down in order to let the mouse work [in Sim Coupe - all versions]. The mouse interface is original from Samco/Samtek. You can find the schema on my www pages, it's 100% identical to the original one. (On the other hand, the schema listed in Sam tech.manual is wrong - the pin out is incorrect and C1 is missing in there.) There is no other mouse interface for Sam, just the original one. Mr. Richard Haramule tried to make a simplier solution, but he didn't finished it successfully. My new "sam mouse turbo" has 100% identical timing to the original interface. I wrote a test program in assembler and it showed that emulator resets the mouse ports too early.

The mentioned www page is:  www.velesoft.wz.cz

I just wonder why this person calles all his work "turbo something" - it sounds to me like something really stupid, like "magnificent abc..." LOL

So, hardware gurus we are awaiting your comments... :-)


Mgr.(MSc.) Aleš Keprt (also known as Aley)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] *** www.keprt.cz *** ICQ: 82357182
Dept. of Computer Science, Palacký University,
Olomouc, CZ - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - www.inf.upol.cz

----- Original Message ----- From: "VELESOFT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Aleš Keprt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2005 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: SAM COUPE

Dobry den. Nedavno jsem zkousel Vas emulator SAM COUPE.
Zabyval jsem se testovanim SAM MOUSE a dosel k temto
vysledkum. Prakticky vsechny dosavadni verze emulatoru SAMa
prilis brzy resetuji mys. Original interface jsem si zapujcil z klubu
KAPSA. Zlobi napriklad hra Legend Of Eshan, ktera spoleha na
vetsi odstup resetu mysi. Takze pri hre, kdyz rutina cte uz posledni
byte souradnice X, emulator uz vraci stav klavesnice protoze pred-
casne resetoval. Zatimco na original interface vse funguje perfektne.
Chce to alespon 2x prodlouzit cas, po ktery jsou porty mysi aktivni.

Osobně tipuju, že chyba je v tom programu. Je ten interface z Kapsy
"originální"? Protože já mám za to, že emulátor je velmi přesný a chyba je
tom interfacu z Kapsy, který funguje asi jinak, než originální interface
Mouse, který je právě emulován v SimCoupe a ASCD.
Chyba v programu neni. Ten pracuje korektne, jen ma delsi casovej delay
mezi vycitanim portu mysi a nez se nactou posledni hodnoty, vraci emulator
stav klavesnice + od zacatku znovu souradnice. U teto hry budete muset
pridrzet v SIM COUPE(vsechny verze) klavesu SHIFT, aby vubec mys
reagovala. Interface je original od SAMCO/SAMtek. Na moji strance
najdete i korektni schema, ktere 100% souhlasi s original zapojenim.
(schema mysi v tech.manualu k sam coupe vubac nesouhlasi pinoutem a
chybi tam hodnoty C1). Zadny jiny mysi interface pro SAMa dosud
neexistoval, jen original. Sice byly pokusy o nove jednodussi reseni, ktere
navrhnul pan Richard Haramule, ale z toho seslo. Muj novy SAM MOUSE
TURBO interface ma 100% shodne casovani a chovani s originálem.
V assembleru jsem si napsal tester casovani mysi a opravdu se v emulatoru
brzy mys resetuje.

Mimochodem jsem si pred par lety postavil ATOM HDD interface a rozchodil
HDD+CD. Nebavilo me furt pretahovat image disket z PC na disketu a na
SAMovi z diskety zas na HDD, tak jsem napsal konvertor, kterej rozdeli
DSK image na dva linearni soubory o delce 400kB. Sam vse umisti do slozky
kam ulozi i TXT soubor nazvy zkonvertovanych images. Hotovou slozku
staci nakopirovat na CD a konvertor na SAMovi si vse z CD jednoduse a
neuveritelne rychle pretahne na HDD jako hotove diskimage.

Take jsem nedavno sehnal pres 400 SAMackych disket od ceskych uzivatelu
SAMa. Vse mam pretazeno do .DSK. Pokud mate zajem mohu poslat na
CD mnozstvi HW schemat, dokumentace a software pro SAMa.

Mohl by jste prosim na SAM-USERS poslat odkaz na mou stranku ?
Prubezne budu do SAM sekce doplnovat schemata a software pro mys.

Nejakou dobu jiz delam s hradlovymi poli XILINX CPLD. Krome K-MOUSE
a SAM MOUSE jsem integroval prakticky celou ZX 128 ULU. Vzhledem k
tomu, ze mam SAMika pomerne slusne funkcne zmapovaneho, hodlam kompletni
ASIC zkopirovat do CPLD. Na tomto projektu jiz pracuji, nechte se


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