On Mon, May 21, 2007 at 02:26:02PM +0100, Gavin Smith quoted:
>    http://www.meanmachinesmag.co.uk/feature/89/mm-staff-love-in.php
>    "What the fuck is a Sam Coupe? I wrote a
>    comparison test on it for Sinclair User and I still don't know what one
>    is. Verdict: bigger and whiter than a Spectrum. Has Sam Coupe written on
>    it)." 

Ah, the cultural celebration of ignorance. He must be a Cool Person.


 ---       Andrew Collier         ----
  ---- http://www.intensity.org.uk/ ---
r<2+ T<4* cSEL dMS hEn/CB<BL A4 S+*<++ C$++L/mP W- a-- Vh+seT+ (Cantab) 1.1.4

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