I'm using a variant on that page's square table method for my 10 bit multiplies (though I always do (a + b)^2 - (a - b)^2), and something a lot like his divide. But my divide is a lot messier. Specifically (in pyz80 syntax):

;       FIXDIV, works out BC / DE and stores it to HL (all 8.8 fixed point)
;       clobbers: a
        ; check signs
        ld a, b
        and a
        jp p, @+check2

        ; bc is negative
        ld a, d
        and a
        jp p, @+divnegpos

        ; if we get to here then both are negative. Easy...
        ld hl, 0
        sbc hl, de
        ex de, hl
        ld hl, 0
        and a
        sbc hl, bc
        ld b, h
        ld c, l
        jr @+divpospos

        ; bc is positive
        ld a, d
        and a
        jp m, @+divposneg       ;jump if de is negative too

        ld hl, 0

        sla b
        rl l                    ; lb <<= 1

sbc hl, de ; find hl - de (nb: carry is definitely clear, so sbc is equivalent to sub) jr nc, @+noadd ; if hl was larger than de then obviously it was wrong as it's the remainder

        add hl, de              ; oh, hl was smaller - so add de back in again
        NEXT @DIVLOOP1

; get to here and b is the lowest byte of the answer, which we just throw away
        sl1 c
        adc hl, hl              ; hlc = (hlc << 1) | 1

        sbc hl, de              ; find hl - de (carry definitely clear)
jr nc, @+noadd ; if hl was is larger than de then obviously it was wrong as it's the remainder

        add hl, de              ; oh, hl was smaller than de - so add de back 
in again
        dec c                   ; remove bottom bit of c
        NEXT @DIVLOOP2

                                ; c is now the middle byte of the answer ...

        sl1 b

add hl, hl ; double answer - NB carry from sl1 b ignored, so it's as though b = 0 at start of loop and a ; need to clear carry - add hl, hl may overflow from here on out
        sbc hl, de              ; find hl - de (sub hl, de would be better here)
jr nc, @+noadd ; if hl was is larger than de then obviously it was wrong as it's the remainder

add hl, de ; oh, hl was smaller than de - so add de back in again and remove bottom bit of c
        dec b                   ; remove bottom bit of c
        NEXT @DIVLOOP3

                                ; ... and b is low byte of the answer

        ld h, c                 ; put b and c into hl, but the other way round
        ld l, b
dlend:  RET

        ; negate bc
        ld hl, 0
        and a
        sbc hl, bc
        ld b, h
        ld c, l
        call @-divpospos
        ex de, hl
        ld hl, 0
        and a
        sbc hl, de

        ; negate de
        ld hl, 0
        and a
        sbc hl, de
        ex hl, de
        call @-divpospos
        ex de, hl
        ld hl, 0
        and a
        sbc hl, de

On 19 May 2008, at 08:00, ellvis wrote:


I am not really a coder, but you can always try to look at http://baze.au.com/misc/z80bits.html It's a collection of z80 math routines, all commented, it's done by Baze/3SC - Spectrum demo coder.

Just for an inspiration. Anyway, it's really great to read such a stuff here on the list, pretty inspirative!


Chris Pile wrote:
Re: code, I really don't think that cycle pinching is the main problem — I think it's algorithmic. I'm going to need to think about that a bit more. At the minute I'm a bit indoctrinated as to how I think a 3d pipeline should go, and I may need to rethink that.
Sometimes you have to take the unconventional route when optimising for "old-skool" hardware! Textbook methods are fine if you have the horsepower - if not, then you're
going to have to look at pulling out all the tricks you can.  :-)


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