
AS you may know, if you CALL a machine code routine with some parameters, they are pushed onto the ROM's floating point calculator stack. I'm trying to use this, but having some difficulty getting the numbers back out again. Can anyone spot what's going wrong?

Consider a routine taking two parameters, which I'll designate FROM and TO; each are addresses in BASIC format (i.e. between 16384 and 540671) - I want to separate these into a (page+1) and offset of each address, and collect the resulting 16-bit values using JGETINT.

If I call the following routine with CALL (address), 32768, 81920 then the values which are returned in HL from the calls to JGETINT are, in order:
0x0000          ; fine, 81920 mod 16384 == 0
0x0005          ; fine, 82910 div 16384 == 5
0x00c0          ; wrong - expect 32768 mode 16384 == 0
0x0000          ; wrong - expect 32768 mode 16384 == 2

Are there any entry conditions to 0x28 or JGETINT which I need to obey and have forgotten about? Have I got the FPC sequence wrong?

Thanks in advance for any useful observations,

    cp 2
    jp nz, parameter_error

    rst 0x28 ; call floating point calculator, stack = FR,TO

    db 0x25 ; DUP       ; FR,TO,TO
    db 0xe2 ; STK16K    ; FR,TO,TO,16K
    db 0x08 ; MOD       ; FR,TO,TO\16K
    db 0x06 ; SWOP      ; FR,TO\16K,TO
    db 0xe2 ; STK16K    ; FR,TO\16K,TO,16K
    db 0x09 ; IDIV      ; FR,TO\16K,TO/16K

    db 0x1c ; SWOP13    ; TO/16K,TO\16K,FR

    db 0x25 ; DUP       ; TO/16K,TO\16K,FR,FR
    db 0xe2 ; STK16K    ; TO/16K,TO\16K,FR,FR,16K
    db 0x08 ; MOD       ; TO/16K,TO\16K,FR,FR\16K
    db 0x06 ; SWOP      ; TO/16K,TO\16K,FR\16K,FR
    db 0xe2 ; STK16K    ; TO/16K,TO\16K,FR\16K,FR,16K
    db 0x09 ; IDIV      ; TO/16K,TO\16K,FR\16K,FR/16K

    db 0x06 ; SWOP      ; TO/16K,TO\16K,FR/16K,FR\16K

    db 0x33 ; EXIT

    call JGETINT
    ld (FROM_os),hl

    call JGETINT
    ld a,h
    or a
    jr nz, invalid_argument_error
    ld a,l
    dec a
    cp 32
    jr nc, invalid_argument_error
    ld (FROM_page),a

    call JGETINT
    ld (TO_os),hl

    call JGETINT
    ld a,h
    or a
    jr nz, invalid_argument_error
    ld a,l
    dec a
    cp 32
    jr nc, invalid_argument_error
    ld (TO_page),a

 ---       Andrew Collier         ----
  ---- http://www.intensity.org.uk/ ---

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