I'm working on a proper, robust and fast polygon filler*, as well as
always looking to improve my line drawer, and have recently discovered
Bresenham's alternative run-slice algorithm, via a Michael Abrash
article published in Dr Dobbs in November '92. It switches you from
making a decision every pixel (eg, stepping along x, deciding whether
to make an adjustment in y after every pixel) to make a decision at
the end of every slice (so if you were drawing a line 256 pixels wide
and 2 pixels high, the first 128 pixels would be one slice that you
knew the length of before drawing, the next 128 would be another
slice; the length of every slice in a line varies by no more than 1
pixel so that's the decision) at the cost of an 8bit by 8bit integer
divide with remainder outside the loop.

This is explicitly still error tracking and proper integer arithmetic
ala per-pixel Bresenham, there are no fractional parts. This isn't DDA
in fixed point (which would be a much more than 8bit by 8bit integer
divide) or anything like that.
http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article386.asp seems to be a
facsimile of the article, albeit with the figures and listings missing

The way I see it, dividing costs less per bit than Bresenham does per
pixel (using, e.g. those restoring divide as demonstrated at
http://baze.au.com/misc/z80bits.html), so this could start costing
less even on very small lines. It'll almost definitely cost less for
polygon filling since you mainly want to know x intercept per
scanline, so I can switch between regular Bresenham and run slice
depending on the edge slope. With a 1/2 offset on the initial run of
the slicing algorithm (so I'm picking the centre pixel for every
slice), my C tests imply a great result with all the features you'd
like (adjacent polygons always exactly meet up, the switch from
per-pixel to run-slice isn't visible).

That all said, I know I'm often hopelessly optimistic about these
things. Has anyone with more experience looked into and/or implemented
run-slice line drawing?

* the one I used for my youtube videos leaves the occasional empty
pixel between adjacent polygons, is limited to triangles and uses
costly fixed-point division for every single edge. So: lots and lots
of unnecessary 16bit divides.

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