Just downloaded the demo now that Frode has moved it to a folder that we can download from.

the_wub! - very nice work indeed!!!!

* goes back to catching up with all the list emails from the last week or two... didn't have broadband for over a week :( *

Quazar : Hardware, Software, Spares and Repairs for the SAM Coupé
1995-2010 - Celebrating 16 Years of developing for the SAM Coupé
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----- Original Message ----- From: "the_wub !" <the...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Porting spectrum games...

I've uploaded a demo to ftp://ftp.nvg.ntnu.no/incoming/Dizzy.zip

I hope people can access it from there?
I accidentally uploaded the unzipped version by mistake, this could be
deleted as I have uploaded the packed archive now.  I don't have
permission to delete it myself.

The demo is made up from the ST graphics which I've reworked a bit to
fit the resolution.  The big table has had to go for the time being at
least.. it's just to test the animations and to get an idea of how it
would look.  I'll add the player sprite next.

All the graphics line up to a 16x16 grid and a tile set would be
pretty easy to make.  From this screen quite a few tiles can be
derived which appear through that part of the level.  It wouldn't take
long to have a few screens in an explorable state from this point,
assuming I can get the player sprite added without too much bother...
I don't know if the scheme to use png's was a leg-pull or not but I
think making a tile set would be the most plausible way of getting
this working.  The difference in horizontal resolution creates a lot
of problems..

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