humble apols
spam is asking for something as well as sending invites from social
networks is it?
but it isnt getting 1% of the conenction speed you pay for? funny that
i didnt think it would be - oh and thank vodaphone for the £200
contract termination letter - the second time - so only £400 to
connect to the internet at 85kbps - well worth every penny and
certainly not a licence to print money - alhtough my pc has crashed
more times than i have been able to use it which is why the sams 20th
birthday video wasnt uploaded 20 years ago nice  one cant use teh
computers in libraries or at uni or at home great place this think i
get the message im goign to Spam! off... cheers folks

On 06/06/2011, Chris Pile <> wrote:
> You keep spamming on about a PUSH proportional print routine - why don't you
> write your own?  It really isn't that difficult you know.  And why have you
> got it in
> your head that PUSH is the way to go with this???
> Sure, PUSH can dramatically speed up certain graphic-dumping operations -
> but
> don't assume that it is a panacea for *everything*!  There is a trade-off
> between
> the ease of something like LDI and the complications of manipulating the
> stack to
> do any PUSH operations - not to mention the potential interrupt headaches
> when
> playing with the stack pointer.
> Work out exactly what you want from your routine, then write code to fit the
> bill...
> Don't just look for a proportional print routine - or assume someone else
> will write
> or give you one - be it stack-based or not!  *Write Your Own!*
> Who knows, you might learn something and - more importantly - you won't keep
> annoying everyone by constantly spamming *everywhere* asking for one...
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Roger Jowett" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, June 06, 2011 8:05 AM
> Subject: Re: who wants some then ?
>> reveal myself?
>> what are you talking about?
>> stone circles yes surrounded by loads more than you!
>> dunno what to say i have scads
>> it has proportional font but the manual doesnt explain how to alter
>> the width of letters so i dont really get it too much
>> was really looking for a push print routine soemthing that might be
>> compatibel with tasword+2 the 128 version of tasword 2 which was
>> converted for the +d using tascon+d from indug format but all that is
>> water under the bridge now apparently...
>> did you enjoy the vid it took me ten years in the making!

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