Ouch... my new content was done in the space of a few weeks - so the switch 
over  / dns change took a ridiculous amount of time... 

Any backups?


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no [mailto:owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no] On 
Behalf Of Andrew Collier
Sent: donderdag 2 februari 2012 19:37
To: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no
Subject: Re: WOS crash?

Hi Stefan,

Eeek! Sorry about this. You must have uploaded these at the exact crossover 
point between me copying worldofsam to a new server installation, and the DNS 
change propagating out so the world would see it.

Unfortunately there are a few lingering problems with the new installation, and 
it's likely to be another couple of weeks before I get a chance to sort them 
out - but it had to be done I'm afraid, as the old server is literally no 
longer on the internet.


On 2 February 2012 18:27, Stefan Drissen <stefan.dris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I uploaded a pile of Fred’s a few weeks / months ago with contents 
> pages but cannot find them anymore. According to WOS my last Fred 
> uploaded was #65 over two years ago.
> And just to prove that I am not going mad – this thread
> http://www.worldofspectrum.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37134&page=2 at 
> the other wos points to:
> http://www.worldofsam.org/node/685
> Which is now a site maintenance page…
> What happened to all my content (I created at least 25 pages with 
> details of disk contents…)?!?
> Regards,
> Stefan

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