Nev wrote:
Do you want to hear my 4 year tale of woe of being harassed and stalked across the internet by this crazy person?

I can assure you, if he's not trying to annoy or be provocative he does a damn good imitation of it.

My tale of woe spans over 6 years now and not just online.

It certainly kills most of the fun of what used to be a great hobby and a certainly one of the major contributing factors as to why I've been so quiet in recent times, all it takes is one idiot to take all the enjoyment out of it.

I really need to catch up with a few things and reply to a few threads on this mailing list now it's free of crazy people (I did check the 'who' list before sending this!) - well done to those who have been beavering away at things recently :)

I do still tinker and do things behind the scenes, yes, SAM Revival is hellishly late, but things are progressing. Over this weekend I'll be asking those who've produced stuff recently for more info for the news section of issue 25... (as news section for 24 is closed and DTP'd up already, with most of the main article content for 25 and 26 is just about complete too).

If you've not seen it already there's progress too with the TCP/IP side of things for the Trinity Ethernet Interface - with the coding talents of Adrian Brown and Simon Owen, the artistic skills of Warren Lee and the musical ability of David Sanders with an old piece of music he created a few years back, plus a bit of jiggery pokery by myself I put together a small demo showing the SAM fetching data from the Internet a month or two ago - it's on YouTube at:

Should now pave the way for more stuff and the 'SAMonline' program I had mentioned in the past to get news and downloads directly to the SAM.

Quazar : Hardware, Software, Spares and Repairs for the SAM Coupé
1995-2012 - Celebrating 18 Years of developing for the SAM Coupé
Twitter: @QuazarSamCoupe

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