Thanks for that Ian — it does sound very similar to what I was aiming for.  
Though the standard screen$ capabilities seem very limited, with maybe just 1 
change per line? (plus flash)

I've had a few more ideas about how to handle a running palette, with it tied 
into knowledge of SAM's display timings.  It might be a while before there's 
anything to show for it though.


On 3 Apr 2012, at 18:21, Ian Collier wrote:

> The Sam does of course have line-based palette changes built into its
> native SCREEN$ loader (before you say: yes I know that's not quite as
> sophisticated as what's being discussed).
> In... oh, 1996, I attempted to write a program that could translate a
> 256x192 image into a plain Sam screen with palette line changes, though
> it wasn't hugely successful.
> It describes itself as follows:
> Usage: /tmp/ppmtosam [flags] [input] [output]
> This program converts the named input file (or standard input if none
> is named) from raw PPM format to a Sam mode 4 screen picture and writes
> the result in the named output file (or standard output).  The resulting
> file will contain the bitmap (24576 bytes) a palette (40 bytes) and, if
> required, a line table (4*n bytes) and end with an end marker (character
> 255).  This is the same format as if the picture had been saved to disk
> on a Sam.
> If line changes are not requested then the program selects the 16 best
> colours for the palette.  Otherwise the program attempts to calculate
> a best palette for each line, based on the colours in the surrounding
> area (the program does not take account of the fact that if several
> palette changes are made on one line then the later ones will not be
> available immediately).  Alternatively, a picture can be produced using
> the 14-colour greyscale palette.  The picture is not dithered by default,
> but Floyd-Steinberg dithering may be selected.
> Valid flags: (default values in brackets)
> -c   Allow line changes
> -d   Produce some debugging information
> -f   Use Floyd-Steinberg dithering
> -g   Produce a greyscale picture instead of a colour one
> -q   Quiet (don't print the number of palette changes)
> -s   Attempt to smooth boundaries caused by palette changes while dithering
> -A n Look ahead n lines when calculating popular colours for line changes [4]
> -B n Look behind n lines when calculating colours for line changes [0]
> -D n Discourage line changes (higher n makes fewer line changes) [4]
> -k n Keep the first n colours constant when calculating line changes [8]
>     (pen 0 if kept should be a popular dark colour and pen 1 should be light)
> -L n Use a maximum of L colour changes on a line [2]
> -M n Use a maximum of n colour changes for the whole picture [127]
> imc

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