If you set simcoupe's printer setting to print to file you then can use the 
print option in the mag part. then you will get a txt file.

other than that not heard anything myself.


On 14 May 2012, at 20:42, Thomas Harte wrote:

> I've transcribed by hand (aside: is there an official transcription or
> extraction of the various Fred articles anywhere?) Page 5 and about
> two third of Page 6 of the editorial below. Did anything ever come of
> the project?
> "The big (BIG BIG BIG) news this month is that FRED will be publishing
> a book all about the SAM Coupe sometime this year. it is hoped that
> the book will be out in time for Christmas this year and will include
> many stories from people in the SAM world about their version of the
> SAM story, and any experiences they have had. Some stories are
> expected to be quite technical, while others will prove to be very
> funny. At the moment, Colin is getting in touch with everyone who
> could have a good story (including me...) and someone who is not
> involved will decide what will make the final version.
> "I must stress that the book IS NOT going to be a cheap, photocopied
> thing. It will be produced in the same way as any paperback novel, and
> could find it's way into some computer shops around the country.
> "Colin Mcdonald is funding the project entirely by himself, and
> although he expects to make a loss on it, feels that it is something
> that many of us would like to remember our times with the SAM. at the
> moment, price has not been decided.
> "The main reason for mentioning about this book so early is because we
> are still looking for SAM stories. If you think you have a story
> relating to the SAM which you think other people would be interested
> in reading about, please write down your experiences and send them to
> Colin. The number of contributions is likely to be very high, so
> unfortunately we can't guarantee to use your article, but please don't
> let this deter you from trying. We look forward to seeing what stories
> you have. The deadline is the 1st September, but the earlier the
> better."
> (sic)

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