Top Iraqi Scientist Flees
Associated Press
November 16, 2003
Associated Press Writer

The Iraqi scientist who headed Saddam Hussein's long-range missile program
has fled to neighboring Iran, a country identified as a state sponsor of
terrorism with a successful missile program and nuclear ambitions, U.S.
officers involved in the weapons hunt told The Associated Press.

Dr. Modher Sadeq-Saba al-Tamimi's departure comes as top weapons makers from
Saddam's deposed regime find themselves eight months out of work but with
skills that could be lucrative to militaries or terrorist organizations in
neighboring countries. U.S. officials have said some are already in Syria
and Jordan.

Experts long feared the collapse of Saddam's rule could lead to the kind of
scientific brain-drain the United States tried to prevent as the former
Soviet Union collapsed. But the Bush administration had no plan for Iraqi
scientists and instead officials suggested they could be tried for war

"There are a couple hundred Iraqis who are really good scientists,
particularly in the missile area," said Jonathan Tucker, a former U.N.
inspector now with the Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey
Institute in California. "In the chemical and biological areas, their work
wasn't state of the art but it was good enough to be of interest to other

Only now is the State Department exploring the possibility of a
government-funded program to block a scientific exodus and prevent Iraqis
from doing future research in weapons of mass destruction. Initial cost
estimates for the program run about $16 million, according to a Nov. 3 draft
proposal obtained by AP.

Two members of the Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency involved in
questioning scientists in custody told AP the Iraqis continue to deny the
existence of illicit weapons programs in Iraq. Dozens of Iraqi scientists
have been questioned and less than 30 remain in custody. All of them,
including senior members of Saddam's regime, have been subjected to
lie-detector tests, which have come up clean on weapons questioning, the DIA
officers said.

But U.S. scientists and weapons experts, who all spoke on condition of
anonymity, said they're having trouble finding some Iraqi experts in Iraq
and have no way of tracking ones they've met.

"They could leave Baghdad tomorrow and we'd never know," said one senior
official involved in the hunt. "Very few are obligated to tell us where
they're going or what they're up to."

U.N. inspectors spoke with Dr. Modher in Baghdad a week before the U.S.-led
war began on March 20. Two U.S. weapons investigators say they believe he
crossed the Iraq-Iran border on foot at least two months after U.S. forces
took Baghdad.

His activities in Iran are unclear and may explain why his disappearance
hasn't been publicly disclosed. The CIA declined to discuss its efforts with
Iraqi scientists or identify individuals.

Thought to be in his mid-50's, the Czech-educated scientist specialized in
missile engines. He met numerous times with U.N. inspectors during the 1990s
and earlier this year when he argued that the Al-Samoud missile system under
his command wasn't in violation of a U.N. range limit. The inspectors
determined otherwise when tests showed it could fly more than 93 miles. They
quickly began destroying the Iraqi stock, much to his frustration.

"Dr. Modher was declared by Iraq to have been one of the principal figures
in their missile programs," said Ewen Buchanan, spokesman for the U.N.

In the late 1980s, Modher headed up the Iraqi military's Project 1728, part
of an effort to produce engines for longer-range missiles.

He was the protege and favored colleague of Iraqi Lt. Gen. Hussein Kamel,
Saddam's right-hand man and son-in-law who briefly defected to Jordan in
1995. There, Kamel told U.N. inspectors during interrogations about his work
and Dr. Modher's efforts to build a missile powerful enough to strike most
major European cities.

According to the interrogation transcripts, Kamel said Modher and a nuclear
physicist named Mahdi Obeidi both took work and documents from their
offices. U.N. inspectors investigated the claim but found nothing.

In July of this year, Obeidi gave the CIA a stack of papers and a piece of
equipment that had been buried in his backyard for 12 years. In return, he
has become the only Iraqi scientist allowed to move to the United States
since the beginning of the U.S. occupation.

Other than Obeidi, who is living along the East Coast with his family,
another scientist known to have left the country is Jaffar al-Jaffer who
founded Iraq's nuclear program in the 1980s. He's in the United Arab
Emirates, where U.S. troops are stationed, and has been questioned by U.S.
and British intelligence officials.

But Jaffar, like a handful of senior scientists being held by U.S. forces in
Iraq, hasn't provided any information on the whereabouts of suspected
chemical, biological or nuclear weapons. While President Bush said he
launched the war to disarm Iraq of its deadly arsenal, such weapons remain

David Kay, the chief weapons hunter, has said his teams so far have found
new information on Iraqi missile systems. But a conversation with Modher
could have cleared up unanswered questions about Iraq's true capabilities
for delivering weapons of mass destruction.

Modher traveled to Germany in 1987 to buy high-tech equipment through H & H
Metalform, a company whose senior officers were later tried in Germany and
found guilty of violating the country's export control laws, U.N. inspectors

The equipment enabled Iraq to make components for Scud missiles similar to
the ones they later fired at Israel and Saudi Arabia during the 1991 Gulf

When that conflict ended, Iraq faced U.N. sanctions forbidding it from
purchasing any new weapons-making equipment.

But four years later, Modher was caught by U.N. inspectors when he inquired
about Russian-made gyroscopes from a Palestinian middleman. At the time,
Tariq Aziz, then Iraq's deputy prime minister, told U.N. inspectors Modher
had acted on his own and would be punished for breaking sanctions. He
allegedly spent 2 1/2 years in jail.

Kay told reporters in Washington last month that "senior Iraqi officials,
both military and scientific" had moved to Jordan and Syria, "both
pre-conflict and some during the conflict, and some immediately after the

He didn't mention Iran, although its long, shared border with Iraq has been
an easy crossing point for militants and Shiite pilgrims headed to Iraqi

Jordanian and Syrian officials dismissed claims that wanted Iraqis are
inside their countries and Kay has offered no names of those believed to
have fled.

But signs of an exodus have led to a renewed push by nonproliferation
experts and government officials to keep the scientists from wandering.

The 11-page State Department plan aimed at preventing Iraqi scientists from
fleeing is entitled "The Science Technology and Engineering Mentorship
Initiative for Iraq."

Such initiatives are critical but late, said Tucker of the Monterey

"This is something that should have been done immediately after the war
ended," he said. "The initial approach, which was to treat them as criminals
and threaten them with prosecution only makes scientists want to leave or
stay away."

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