Wall Street Journal
March 8, 2004
The Cash-for-Saddam Program

The cat is out of the bag.  Documents recently discovered by the 
Coalition Provisional Authority, and corroborated by interviews with 
former Iraqi officials, confirm that Saddam Hussein extorted cash 
kickbacks from companies trading with Iraq under the U.N.  Oil-for-Food 
Program.  The most damning document is a memo dated Aug.  3, 2000, by 
Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan (now in U.S.  custody) 
instructing his ministers to tell their suppliers to inflate their 
prices by the "biggest percentage possible." As a former employee of 
the program, I cannot say I was surprised by this news.  What surprised 
me was the U.N.'s response to it.

* * *

U.N.  officials claim they were unaware of such fraudulent practices by 
the Iraqi regime until after the Iraq War.  They would be better off 
telling the truth.  By winter 2000, serious concerns had been raised 
about the use of front companies by the regime.  We had heard 
allegations of a 10% kickback scheme, and were exceptionally well 
positioned to investigate the matter.  Why did the U.N.  fail to 

U.N.  officials claim it was not their responsibility to hold the Iraqi 
regime accountable.  False again.  The whole point of putting the U.N.  
in charge of overseeing Iraq's trade was to ensure that the country's 
oil revenues were used exclusively to help its ailing population, not 
to fill Saddam's personal coffers.  And according to Security Council 
resolutions, the U.N.  had a legal responsibility to report on any 
issue affecting the "adequacy, equitability and effectiveness" of the 
Oil-for-Food Program.  Saddam's kickbacks affected all three aspects.  
There were many instances in the time I was there when the U.N.  
preferred to look the other way rather than address obvious signs of 
what was going wrong.

Take the medical sector.  The regime's decision to use 
kickback-friendly front companies to purchase drugs meant that 
hospitals often received medicines that were nearly expired or 
otherwise damaged from unscrupulous suppliers.  Iraqi doctors would 
complain about the quality of the drug supply to our U.N.  observers.  
Kurdish leaders raised similar concerns directly with high-level U.N.  
officials.  We knew exactly how much the Iraqi government paid for any 
contract, and we had the authority to inspect each shipment when it 
crossed into Iraq.  We had all the elements necessary to piece together 
a clear picture of what was going on and alert the Security Council to 
the fact that Saddam and his cronies were buying poor quality products 
at inflated prices and cashing in the difference.  While the U.N.  
likes to claim this was the most audited program in its history, I 
never once read an audit report that raised questions about these 
practices -- even though they were an open secret to anyone involved in 
the program.

Some $31 billion worth of humanitarian supplies were delivered to Iraq 
during the lifespan of the program.  If 10% kickbacks were indeed 
extorted from this trade, that means Saddam cheated his people out of 
$3 billion.  In reality, the profits he reaped from the program may 
have been much higher.  If one adds the kickbacks he received from the 
sale of underpriced Iraqi crude, the figure might double.  The 
continued building of palaces and other extravagances give some clue to 
where this money went.  What is left of it?  Where is it held?  These 
are questions to which Iraqis want answers.  And the U.N.  has a 
responsibility to help them by opening the books of the Oil-for-Food 

As long as Saddam was in control, it was perhaps inevitable that he 
would have profited from any attempt to feed his population.  But the 
least the U.N.  could have done was denounce his practices.  Instead, 
high-level U.N.  officials concentrated their fire on the Security 
Council.  Assistant Secretary General Denis Halliday even accused the 
Council of overseeing genocide in Iraq.  At the time that he made this 
claim, the Iraqi regime was refusing to purchase as much food and 
medicine as the U.N.  had recommended.  One has only to read the 
flowery letter Kofi Annan sent to Mr.  Halliday upon his resignation to 
understand that our marching orders were confused.  Were U.N.  
employees supposed to oppose Security Council resolutions, lobby for a 
lifting of sanctions and whitewash the regime?  That is what a majority 
of our Baghdad staff did.  No one took action to redress their 

The small minority who sought to hold the regime accountable were 
overruled, sidelined and sometimes branded spies by our own leadership. 
  Meanwhile, the Saddam regime had infiltrated our mission in Iraq.  All 
of the 4,233 local staff hired by the U.N.  were required to report to 
Iraqi intelligence services.  At our Baghdad HQ, U.N.  mission leaders 
saw no problem with assigning Iraqi staff to man our switchboard, fax 
machines and photocopy room.  Our 151 international observers were 
under siege, spied on by their employees and sometimes threatened by 
Iraqi officials when they tried to communicate information to New York 
that was embarrassing to the regime.  All of this severely curtailed 
the U.N.'s ability to do its job.

The U.N.  should not have been in the business of covering up for 
Saddam; and it should not now stonewall efforts to have an independent 
investigation look into which companies broke the law in their dealings 
with the regime and who profited from schemes to get around the 
restrictions set out under Oil-for-Food.  If the U.N.  fails to become 
a partner in the investigative process, it may end up as co-defendant 
in a scandal that has yet to reach its full-blown proportion.

Mr.  Soussan is a former program coordinator for the U.N. Oil-for-Food 

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