On Fri, Mar 19, 2004 at 01:40:50PM -0500, Jim McDonough wrote:
> > Can you see any reason why this could not be written to utilise gencache
> ?
> > As far as I can see there's actually no data that couldn't be represented
> > with gencache entry. If so, I could port it.
> Yes, the cache entries do not expire based on a timestamp, but rather a
> timestamp+current password policy setting.

Of course and it's still doable. As caches based on gencache have their own
specifics they're built on top of it. This mechanism provides a GENeric CACHE :)
If you think it is better to leave logon caching with its own mechanism, I am
still happy with that. I just thought I had written gencache with using it
this way on mind. I'll take a look once more at the code and talk to you.

Rafal Szczesniak 
Samba Team member  http://www.samba.org

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