On Mon, 2002-08-12 at 10:54, David Collier-Brown wrote:
> Fredrik Ohrn wrote:
> > OK, I'll try 30 instead of the default 300. But I don't expect it to help,
> > in this case it seems that it's the smbd process that blows up, not the
> > client.
>       Ok, I was afraid of that!
>       Blown SMBDs are Bad Things (:-))

I have run into this same problem from time to time with 2.2.2.  I was
hoping that the upgrade to 2.2.5 that I did yesterday would fix it...

On the surface, it appears as though a panic action program that does
lock scrubbing would be useful.  I envision a standalone program that
takes a filename and pid as an argument.  If it encouters a lock
belonging to the given pid, it removes the lock from the database.

Perhaps if the program is given only one argument (the lock file) it
traverses the tdb checking to see if each pid mentioned is alive.

What would this break?


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