--- "Green, Paul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My opinion is that the "right fix" is for anyone who
> is experiencing data
> corruption of any sort, whether with oplocks on,
> off, or sideways, to work
> with the Samba team to come up with a reproducible
> test case so that we can
> root cause the true source of the problem.

My #1 priority as a sysadmin is, "make it work."  But
you are right; There is implied responsibility, when
using free software, to help with problems.  As you
said, I am getting top-quality software at a
rock-bottom price.  It is worth our time and effort. 
I just hope I can convince the powers-that-be to let
me test some configurations/clients.

The challenge is it doesn't appear to be a problem
with Samba but the clients.  Regardless, I feel the
Samba documentation ought to be noted when/if we can
reproduceably show it to be the client's fault, so
others don't fall into the same trap.  If I'd have
been warned, there is a chance we wouldn't have had
the grief we did.


P.S. The Cathedral is a great book.

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