On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 08:24:17AM -0600, Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Thu, 5 Dec 2002, Rafal Szczesniak wrote:
> > Oh, it's being changed now, by me. I recently renamed the file and put
> > another trust-related function there. I'm also going to rename the
> > just_change_the_password() and (possibly) give it more general shape to
> > use it with domain trusts, as well. In summary: I'm working there, right
> > now :) ... and agree -- the names have been horrible, so far.
> It would be nice to settle on function names and change them as little as 
> possible since people get used to grepping for certain strings to locate 
> functionality.

Maybe. I don't know yet how far it is possible. Perhaps putting "former xyz()
function" in comments could be of some help for grepping the code ?
I don't assume, I'll change the function names, for sure. It's just that
they're quite specific.

> And why did I get 4 copies of this mail?  I understand why I got 2, 
> but 4?

Huh ? That's a surprise. AFAIR it was addressed to you, Jim and
the mailing list.

|Rafal 'Mimir' Szczesniak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   |
|*BSD, GNU/Linux and Samba                                  /

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