On Sat, 8 Feb 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> The main things to understand about privileges are:
> - logically each privilege is a string name and a set of SIDs
>   associated with that string name.
> - The SIDs do not have to be group SIDs (they can, for example, be
>   users)

all kinds of SIDs are valid

> - The names do not have to have fixed numbers associated with them
>   (although I will probably associate fixed bitmasks with each name
>   for programming convenience).

it's theorically true. Alas some third parties software are using the
numbers directly without looking up first the names.

The numbers are allocated in a linear fashion during windows installation

You won't be able to use a bitmask but you'll need to use a 64 bits value
for each privilege.


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