Am Sunday 30 March 2003 20:37 schrieb Stephan Kulow:
> Hi!
> I've done an experiment and configured my only windows
> system (german win98) in the LAN to be named "häßlich"
> and be in the workgroup "möbel".
> Then tried testsmbc on "smb://m%C3%B6bel/" (correctly
> UTF-8 escaped samba URL). That tried a broadcast for
> möbel<1d>, which I think it shouldn't. I'm not sure what
> exactly it's supposed to do, but surely not UTF-8.
Checking the wire, it seems the conversion from UTF-8 worked
fine, just the strupper() call that's happening on the input doesn't
work. At least the string on the wire is M<94>BEL (MöBEL) for
libsmbclient and M<99>BEL (MÖBEL) for smbtree.

I then tried to change the strupper in push_ascii to a call
to unix_strupper, but that failed too for me - but I'm continuing
there :)

Greetings, Stephan

Pace, Peace, Paix, Paz, Frieden, Pax, Pokój

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