Hi Oliver,

please send this question to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

samba-technical is for developer dicussion only.

At 14:32 01.04.2003 +0200, Olivier Studer wrote:

I would like to mount a home directory UNIX on my PC. I use a server for samba. And I try to have an authentification with a server ldap (IPlanet product). But I can recive an authentification.

Could you help me, please.


my smb.conf file:
     log file = /usr/local/samba/log.%m
     security = user
     encrypt passwords = yes

workgroup = xxxx

# ldap related parameters

     # define the DN to use when binding to the directory servers
     # The password for this DN is not stored in smb.conf.  Rather it
     # must be set by using 'smbpasswd -w secretpw' to store the
     # passphrase in the secrets.tdb file.  If the "ldap admin dn" values
     # changes, this password will need to be reset.
     ldap admin dn = "cn=Directory Manager"

     #  specify the LDAP server's hostname (defaults to locahost)
     ldap server = my-server-ldap.xxxxx.ch

     # Define the SSL option when connecting to the directory
     # ('off', 'start tls', or 'on' (default))
     ldap ssl = off

     # define the port to use in the LDAP session (defaults to 636 when
     # "ldap ssl = on")
     ldap port = 389

     # specify the base DN to use when searching the directory
     #ldap suffix = NOT USE

# generally the default ldap search filter is ok

ldap filter = "(&(uid=%u))"

        writable = yes
        force directory mode = 755
        browseable = no
        create mode = 0750
        force create mode = 755
        comment = Home Directoriec
        users = %S
        only user = yes

   comment = All Printers
   browseable = no
   printable = yes
   public = no
   writable = no
   create mode = 0700

Stefan "metze" Metzmacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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