Hey all!

Ok, here's the deal.  It's a little off topic as it centers more around mount and XP issues then actual Samba, but they all seem to tie together, sooo . . .


I have a RH 6.2 Box running a Samba (2.0.10) server  with no problems.  I have a mixed network of Windows NT4, Win 98/95 Boxes, and Windows 2000 WS and Server.  Everything was talking just fine. 


Not only could the M$ boxes see the Samba server, I could go the other way using mount -t smbfs. 


I use the format '  mount -t smbfs -o username=foo,password=bar //server/share /mnt '


It has worked just fine provided 2 things;

1>     The share existed (This includes the NT/200 Administrative Shares (C$ D$)    

2>     I used a valid username/password on the box I was connecting TO (i.e. Local account on the NT box)


Everything has been fine with NT, and 2000. 



I just upgraded a box to XP-Pro.  Everything is fine going from XP to SAMBA, no problems at all. But SAMBA to XP is no longer working.   Example below


[root@hoc samba]# mount -t smbfs -o username=administrator,password=******** //bytelair/C$ /mnt/net1

tree connect failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess

SMB connection failed

[root@hoc samba]#


It seems to me to be an access problem, that XP dosen't like the authentication token given, but Windows 2000 likes it fine.  


Any ideas?





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