Hello and thanks for your informative web site.
I went searching through looking for information on MAX file sizes with 
Samba, unfortunately, I wasn't able to locate what info I needed after 
an hour or so of searching. What OUR issues are here are we have a NAS 
using WinNT that our Linux server is accessing. We have a need to 
COPY/MOVE/TAR a file from one server (NT) to another. What my goal is, 
is to backup requested data (Files in excess of 15GB) in TAR format to a 
given location on our NAS, building a TAR file throughout the day, then 
in the evening (Say 12AM) we would GZip the file down for further 
Archiving. What the issue is, is I can't work with files greater than 
1.8GB, the File Sytem shows this is the size of the file, even if it is 
larger than 10GB.

Since these are '/mnt' drives, I can't figure out if our problem is 
Linux, or Samba related. We are using RedHat 7.0 (I know that 7.2 is 
avaible) and it came with Samba 2.0.10. Would ALL of these issues be 
dealt with in the new version of RH 7.2?? Or will I still experience 
file size problems even if I reload the new OS? I have no issues with 
getting the "Latest & greatest" versions of Samba & RH Linux, but I need 
to be 100% sure that I don't have file size limitations in the GB range, 
I expect to be dealing with files in the 10-40GB range on a daily basis, 
we are a service bureau so our customers send us this kind of data every 

Can you please provide me an answer or two to these questions??

Thanks you ahead of time.
Rich Parker

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