I setup SAMBA to use winbind to authenticate of a WinNT PDC

In the smb.conf I have a line
template homedir = /home/winnt/%U 
which is file

I also use the pam module to create directories for
new users
pam_mkhomedir.so skel=/etc/sambaskel umask=0077

which is fine again.

My problem is that I can't tell or how do I tell pam_mkhomedir
to create the directories in /home/winnt/<user>
instead it creates them in /home/<user>

Any ideas?????



Steve Simeonidis
Network Engineer, Spherion Education
Spherion Group Ltd

1st Floor, 493 St. Kilda Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004, Australia
Phone:  +61 3 9243 2382    Fax:    +61 3 9820 2010

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