Greetings ...

A quick question more to confirm a few things reguarding SMB passwords, which I hope might be able to look at for password aging.

I saw some discussion on samba-tech list, but nothing conclusive.

LM and NT hashs don't have a salt? Do they? ... In other words, a password "password" LM hashed, always comes out as "E52CAC67419A9A224A3B108F3FA6CB6D" not matter the case? Just checks, but I take it a password "password" NT hashed is case sencetive, but still no salt, which means one could search a DB of a large number of LM or NT hashed to crack a LM/NT hash?

I understand that we can't use PAM cracklib to do password sanity, but we could use all known hashs in a smb passwd DB, ie ... search ones local LDAP DB for matching LM/NT hashs and not accept password.

But I think that the rpc's to look after password expire and sanity have not been finished, am I correct in this thinking?


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