On Sat, 2002-11-16 at 15:07, dave cunningham wrote:
> I'm new to linux & samba having just started using each within the last
> month or so.
> I have a small LAN at home consisting of 2 win2k machines and a samba
> file server (2.2.6) on a SuSE 7.3 box.
> I'm seeing intermittent problems accessing a samba share from each of
> the two win2k machines and would appreciate any help in solving this.
> What I see is problems creating a new file or opening an excel file on
> the server. There seems to be no problems at all in opening read only
> files.
> A typical error in creating a file through explorer on a win2k machine
> is "'fileName' cannot be accessed. The file may be read only, or you may
> be trying to access a read-only location. Or the server the document
> is stored on may not be responding"
> & the error I see in opening an excel file reads
> "'fileName' cannot be accessed. The file may be read only, or you may
> be trying to access a read-only location. Or the server the document
> is stored on may not be responding".
> This seems to happen randomly from either win2k machine and the problem
> will sometimes disappear and at other times require smb to be restarted
> to see a resolution.
> I have 2 trace files available logging this behaviour however I don't
> understand what they are showing.
> The first (level 3) is here <http://www.upsilon.org.uk/temp/log.smbd>
> shows a user opening excel file 'BOR - Donegall Road Timetable.xls'
> being presented with the 'cancel/retry' message & selecting retry a
> number of times.
> The second (level 6) is here
> <http://www.upsilon.org.uk/temp/log.smbd.gz> and shows a user attempting
> to open excel file 'ITT Financial Statement (version1)(version 1).xls'
> being presented with the same 'cancel/retry' message and selecting retry
> one time.
> It was suggested that this may be being caused by DNS issues - initially
> I had no DNS server running on the LAN. In an attempt to remedy the
> problem (unsuccessful), I set up a DNS server. Thus the first trace file
> is for the LAN without DNS (though with hosts/lmhosts configured
> correctly - I hope), the second is for the LAN with a DNS server.
> Additionally, the when the first trace was taken the win2k boxes were
> running SP2, for the second they have been transitioned to SP3.
> I've been trying to get to the bottom of this for a few weeks now &
> would appreciated any help at all.
> My smb.conf files is as follows:
> [global]
>         workgroup = WEELAN
>         netbios name = MINI
>         server string =
>         encrypt passwords = Yes
>         username map = /etc/samba/users.map
>         syslog = 0
>         unix extensions = Yes
>         printcap name = CUPS
>         os level = 2
>         printing = cups
>         veto files = /*.eml/*.nws/riched20.dll/*.{*}/
> [printers]
>         comment = All Printers
>         path = /var/tmp
>         create mask = 0600
>         printable = Yes
>         browseable = No
> [print$]
>         comment = Printer Drivers
>         path = /var/lib/samba/drivers
>         write list = @ntadmin root
>         force group = ntadmin
>         create mask = 0664
>         directory mask = 0775
> [documents]
>         path = /home/samba/documents
>         read only = No
>         force create mode = 0770
> -- 
> Dave Cunningham
> PGP Key <http://www.upsilon.org.uk/dc.asc>
> -- 
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set your log file to <logdir>/%U_on_%m_from_%m.log, and see if you're
getting oplock errors in that log.


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