Joseph A Nagy Jr wrote:

        Win98 SE (F)   Disk
mount -t smbfs -o username=somename,password=somepass
   //s.o.m.e.i.p/F /chris/
   21287: session request to s.o.m.e.i.p. failed (Called name not present)
   21287: session request to s failed (Called name not present)
   21287: tree connect failed: ERRDOS - ERRnosuchshare (You specified an
   invalid share name)
   SMB connection failed
I think this is a fairly easy problem. The name of the share is not 'F' but 'Win98 SE (F)' if I'm not mistaken. That is why you are getting the error about no such share.

"Um, can you repeat the part of the stuff where you
said all about the things?"
- Homer Simpson

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