Have you looked at adjusting the "socket options" parameter in smb.conf?

I use "socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_SNDBUF=8192 SO_RCVBUF=8192" in my smb.conf and scp and samba take about the same amount of time to transfer files from Windows to the samba server.

Raghu A wrote:
There is no disk or CPU bottleneck or virus checking (server is latest
ubuntu). scp at the same time as this transfer can write 3-4 faster to the
same partition. This is an Atom processor but there is more cpu left.

To be more specific:

Why does XP send only 1KB at a time to the server? I think this is pretty
much the culprit. I can send decoded TCP dump of initial SMB handshake if
you are interested. There seems to be some configuration mismatch.

When I tried a Ubuntu samba client it sends 4KB SMB packets. This helps a
lot with the transfer rate. Btw, looks like most of the CPU consumed by smbd
is per packet.. so inceasing this packet size reduces CPU as well.


Ben Tyger wrote:
What type of file processors are you running along with samba?. Are you
running the virus checking plugin or VFS(recycle bin)? Virus checking is
very cpu and disk I/O intensive these can really slow down a samba
server. I can't expect VFS is all that cheap either when moving big files.

Raghu A wrote:
I mounted a samba volume on XP. XP and Ubuntu are connected over 100Mbps
ethernet (router).

I am writing a 4GB file from XP to Ubuntu and the transfer is extremely
slow : only around 1-1.5 MB/s.

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