Resolved. Needed to put fdqn in /etc/hosts in the first place for

Mala Dibbs wrote:

im having Problems joining my ubuntu-Machine to a Win2k3 Active Directory.

I tryed
m...@ubuntu-05:/home$ sudo net ads join -U domainadmin
domainadmin's password:
Using short domain name -- INTRANET
No DNS domain configured for localhost. Unable to perform DNS Update.
DNS update failed!
Joined 'UBUNTU-05' to realm 'INTRANET.LAN'

What bothers my the most ist the line with 'localhost'. Where does this come from? The ubuntu-Machine or the Windows-Directory? I want the machine joined as ubuntu-05.intranet.lan. But after the join above, its DNS Name is listed as 'localhost' instead of 'ubuntu-05.intranet.lan'.
Is this a Problem of the Client (ubuntu-05) or the AD- and DNS-Server?

Greets, mala

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