Linda Walsh wrote:
>Moray Henderson wrote:
>> The server string is Ishtar, but that is not the server name; you
>> to set "netbios name" for that.
>  Wouldn't the hostname take care of that?  That's the name of the
>  machine.

Yes, if netbios name is not set it does pick up the host name.  I would
still recommend removing "Bliss" from netbios aliases.

>> nmblookup "BLISS#1C"
>> should list the IP address of the Domain Controllers of Bliss.
>  And it's loopback address.  Those are the two I get.

Hmm... running out of ideas here.  I only have Samba listening on the
main interface, not loopback, and the default is "all active interfaces
that are broadcast capable except the loopback adaptor".

Someone who actually knows what server signing is should probably
comment on that option.

If fiddling with aliases or interfaces doesn’t work, I would...
double-check the HKLM\System\CCS\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters 
        DWORD  DomainCompatibilityMode = 1
        DWORD  DNSNameResolutionRequired = 0
       DWORD  RequireSignOrSeal = 1
       DWORD  RequireStrongKey = 1
registry keys in Win7

Then configure Samba with an absolute bare-minimum smb.conf file:
workgroup name, security, domain master, add machine script, and as
little else as you can get away with.  Maybe even move the .tdb files*
(including the private ones) somewhere safe, and let Samba rebuild clean
copies.  Since you are working with such a small network, you can
probably get away with that.

"To err is human.  To purr, feline"

* see

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